
 September 2024. Oral presentation. Royal Entomological Society, 'Ento 24 conference, UK. "Genetic diversity in aphid populations drives successful transmission of barley yellow dwarf virus" 
March 2024. Keynote speaker at International workshop on insect-drought interactions (Talca, Chile).
 September 2023. Oral presentation. Royal Entomological Society, 'Ento 23 conference, UK. " Cabbage stem flea beetle abundance is influenced by the agricultural landscape - can the landscape influence the microbiome?" 
April 2023. Oral presentation (online). Royal Entomological Society, Insect Behaviour and Symbiosis Special Interest Group meeting, UK. "Can endosymbionts influence the development, fitness, and behaviour of cereal aphids?"
December 2022. Oral presentation. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, UK. "Can agro-ecological factors explain variation in the endosymbiont profile of cereal aphids?"
June 2022, Oral presentation (online). 25th Biennial International Plant Resistance to Insects Workshop, Sweden. "Common resistance mechanisms are deployed by plants against sap feeding herbivorous insects"
April 2022, Invited plenary speaker for the biotic threats session. Monogram 2022, UK. "Managing herbivorous insects: the role decision support systems and resistant plant types"
December 2021, Invited seminar speaker (online). Leibniz University Hannover.
"Exploring the Interactions between the agricultural landscape and insect diversity"
September 2021, Virtual poster presentation. International Society of Chemical Ecology annual meeting, South Africa. "Landscape-Vector-Virus Interactions: Do farms surrounded by diverse landscapes benefit from enhanced virus suppression?"
 August 2021, Virtual poster presentation. Royal Entomological Society 'Ento 21 conference, UK
"Common resistance mechanisms are deployed by plants against sap-feeding herbivorous insects" 
May 2021, Invited seminar speaker (online). NIAB, UK
"The sustainable management of insect pests: from decision support systems to natural biocontrol"
September 2020, Oral presentation (online).  Royal Entomological Society symbiont special interest group meeting, UK.
February 2020, Invited Speaker. AHDB Agronomy Conference, UK
"Aphid and cabbage stem flea beetle research and management"